Nyaluo Radio - Kama Joluo Romoe

Welcome to Nyaluo Radio, Our main intention is to promote the Luo culture and make it useful in the 21st century. It is very popular nowadays to refer to ethnic groups as nations, but we differ to refer to this cultural forum as a Luonation group. Doing so, will serve no better purpose other than to alienate the Luo community from the other communities in Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Tanzania.

There are many aspects of culture that are often ignored, the result of which is a lost culture and accommodation of other cultures that might not serve the Luo people well. Nyaluo, is a word derived from the Luo language which is spoken in Eastern African Countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania including the Sudan. Nyaluo per say would mean a lady from Luoland or an activity done the Luo way.

One of the pillars of a great culture is its Language. The Luo language is spoken by about four Million people living in Kenya and about another three to four Million scattered in the countries of Uganda, Tanzania and Southern Sudan. Due to migration most second and third generation Luos cannot speak fluent Luo Language or are not able to speak it at all. One of our major aim in this forum is to develop a comprehensive Luo Language data-bank that can be put into any use for promoting the language as an asset if the Luo culture.

It will be obvious, that some of the Luo traditions have been overtaken by modern life styles and for that reason will only be focused as a reference. We are going to analyse the usefulness of such traditions and find a better replacement for the extinct ones. Another way we are going to promote the culture is by looking into some traditions that have worked in other communities.The main focus will be to promote good family life, promote youth development and encourage better aging for the elderly.

Traditionally speaking, we are going to explore, Luo Traditional Music, Luo Traditional Attire, Luo Traditional Food, Luo Traditional Medicine, Luo Traditional Events and just about anything Luo Tradition.

All in all we are going to look, critic, modif